Latest News   09-Apr-2021  Important Instruction to all students of F.Y.B.Ed. - Tomorrow 10:00 am, there will be objective test on PE-1- Learning , Teaching in Childhood and Growing Up . So login your account and select Exam tab and select Start Exam Button to start exam.     14-Mar-2021  Watch all the videos uploaded on 14 March 2021. According to the time table all subjects videos are uploaded to watch and study from home due to lockdown     11-Mar-2021  All students are instructed to create your account for online lectures in respective class. After registration your account will be activated in 12 working hours after verification of your admission to the college.     27-Feb-2021  Create your account to view lectures and notes of your class before 28 February 2021  

Founder chairman


late Bhatesingh Raghuvanshi

WELCOME NTVS’s College of Education

N. T. V. S’s. college of education was established in 1970. The founder chairman late Bhatesinghji Ranghuvanshi had a great vision and did every effort to enlarge the educational facilities to the youth from deprived classes. N. T. V. Samiti has made unique contribution in the field of Education from primary to post graduation.

Mission & Vision :-

To impart knowledge and skill to bring devotion in service and to strengthen the personality of teacher trainee. To Provide qualitative training to the trainee teachers to develop their competency, performance and commitment for the 21 st century to develope sensitivity towards emerging issues like environment, population, gender equality and legal literacy of the teacher trainee.

Notice Board

  • Notice Date:09-10-2021
    सर्व विद्यार्थ्‍यांना कळविण्‍यात येते की दि. ११/१०/२०२१ पासून व्दितीय वर्षाचे अध्‍यापन सुरु होत आहे. तरी सर्वांनी LMS वर व्दितीय वर्षासाठी रजिस्‍ट्रेशन करणे आवश्‍यक आहे. दि. १०/१०/२०२१ पर्यंत सर्वांनी रजिस्‍ट्रेशन करावे
  • Notice Date:09-04-2021
    F.Y.B.Ed. च्या सर्व विद्यार्थ्यांना कळविण्यात येते उद्या दि. 10/04/2021 रोजी सकाळी 10 वाजता PE-1- Learning , Teaching in Childhood and Growing Up या विषयाची आज पर्यंत LMS वर अपलोड करण्यात आलेल्या व्हिडीओवर आधारित वस्तुनिष्ठ परीक्षा घेण्यात येईल. परीक्षेचा वेळ सकाळी 10 वाजता सुरु होईल तो 11 वाजेपर्यत असेल. परीक्षेची वेळ ॲटोमॅटीक सेट असल्याने उद्या 10 वाजता आपण LMS ला Login करुन Exam Tab वर क्लिक करावे.व त्याठिकाणी दिलेल्या पेपरवर Start Exam वर क्लिक करावे. सर्व प्रश्नांची उत्तरे दिल्यानंतर Submit बटणावर क्लिक करावे. Start बटण उद्या सकाळी 10 वाजताच दिसेल त्या अगोदर दिसणार नाही आणि ते 11 वाजेपर्यंतच असेल. म्हणून वेळेवर परीक्षा द्यावी.


  • Title:-Gathering
    For taking these decisions, each team member must know his/her responsibility. The fest coordinator along with the guiding teacher must assign or delegate appropriate responsibilities to the committee. The coordinator needs to communicate regularly with the team and have frequent discussions or meetings for status updates.
  • Title:-Meeting
    Reach out to local farms and vendors to organize a campus farmer’s market. Not only does this allow students to support local businesses, it gets them stocked up for the week with easy transport and encourages healthy eating habits and community engagement.